People always ooh and aah when I tell them that I make my own marzipan, but it is honestly one of the easiest things to make. There is nothing wrong with buying marzipan, but this recipe for super easy marzipan will have far less sugar, and you cannot beat the taste of fresh marzipan! It literally takes about 5 minutes to make.
2 cups almond flour
½ cup powdered sugar
2 teaspoons almond extract
6 to 7 teaspoons water
- In a bowl, combine 2 cups of almond flour and ½ cup of powdered sugar.
- Add 2 teaspoons of almond extract and 6 to 7 teaspoons of water.
- Using your hand, mix until it just holds together. If you overwork it, more oils will come out of the almonds and this can ruin the texture. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate until you need it.
Tips & Bits
- If you are rolling out marzipan for a recipe, use powdered sugar to coat both the countertop and rolling pin to prevent sticking or roll out the marzipan bewteen two pieces of parchment paper.
- Try my Battenberg recipe that uses this super easy marzipan recipe.
- Jan 12 is National Marzipan Day!
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