“Exporting British happiness…”
I first heard about British Corner Shop from my cousin in England. I was chatting to her one day from Chicago and recalling my last visit to England. We reminisced about our grocery store outings – for her, a trip to Waitrose or Marks and Spencer was pretty mundane, but I felt like a kid in a candy shop. During our phone call, she asked if I knew about British Corner Shop – which I didn’t.
Fast forward to today, and I am a big fan of British Corner Shop – a place that states they “export British happiness”, and they do! Their website stocks “over 6,000 products from Britain’s most loved brands.”
The first time I put in an order with them, I spent hours looking through their virtual shelves and figuring out what British happiness I needed exporting to me. Would it be the usual suspects like Cadbury chocolate and Mr Kipling’s baked goods or would I branch out and try new things?

It ended up being a mouth-watering combination of both.
British Corner Shop has had a partnership with Waitrose for a while now, but an exciting new addition this year is their partnership with Marks and Spencer, or M & S, as it is often called.
I love Marks and Spencer! I grew up on the west coast of Canada in a small city called Victoria, and there used to be a Marks and Spencer downtown. Saturday morning shopping trips with my mum would always end up at M & S, and it was a truly sad day when they shuttered their doors. Having the ability to stock my pantry with M & S sundries again makes my heart and palate very happy.

The day that the box arrived almost felt like Christmas morning as my husband and I opened it together, oohing and aahing at every item we unpacked. Everything was exceptionally well packed by “John”, as the little card at the top of the box said! From tissue paper and bubble wrap to a small box within the large box, nothing seemed to get damaged in the journey from the U.K. to the U.S., which is pretty impressive.
This was my first experience with an order of food goods from the U.K. and I was not disappointed. Whilst there are other companies out there offering similar products and delivery options which I will at some point try, it will be pretty hard to beat British Corner Shop.
Your personality comes through everything you write. What a delightful blog with so many interesting “bits and bobs” and, of course, recipes!
Thank you so much for this feedback and I am glad that my personality comes through. Very early days but I love doing this! Back to the kitchen I go 🙂